Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy (PAT) in Seattle
I am excited to be able to assist clients who want to try KAP or PAT.
I offer “wraparound” therapy services to clients who have elected on their own to try using ketamine or psilocybin to treat depression, PTSD, chronic pain, end-of-life apprehension, and other concerns. These services consist of preparatory sessions prior to dosing, and integration sessions afterwards.
Integration sessions are crucial to maximize the benefits of KAP and PAT, by enabling clients to take full advantage of the window of neuroplasticity that follows the medicine journeys.
In anticipation of PAT one day becoming legal in Washington State, I sought specialized training to understand how ketamine and psychoactive mushroom plant medicine can be used safely and responsibly. I received over 250 hours of training at the Integrative Psychiatry Institute in Colorado, which has trained over 1,500 PAT clinicians around the globe.
What can be addressed with Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy?
Ketamine, psilocybin, and other psychedelics appear to work by increasing the mind's flexibility. People report that psychedelics have helped them get "un-stuck" in a variety of areas.
Research has shown psychedelics can help some individuals effectively address:
- Anxiety
- Depression & Suicidality
- PTSD & Trauma
- Dissociation
- Addiction & Substance Abuse
- Chronic Pain
- Migraines & Cluster Headaches
- End-of-Life Closure
Why are post-dose integration sessions so important?
Different psychedelics, as well as hallucinogens like ketamine, work on different neurochemicals and receptors in the brain–mostly serotonin and glutamate, but also norepinephrine, dopamine, and oxytocin.
While the mechanisms vary from substance to substance, and our knowledge is developing, it appears that psychedelics promote neuroplasticity. There is evidence that psychedelics release neurotransmitters and create new neural connections. This can improve mental and emotional flexibility–and even alleviate some physical symptoms.
Psychedelic molecules are only one part of the magic! Psychotherapeutic integration care is crucial to optimizing treatment outcomes. By working with a therapist to change your perspective and patterns during the days following ketamine treatment, lasting change can result.
Ketamine clinics with a medicalized mindset rarely offer clients psychotherapeutic integration.
That means patients lose the golden opportunity for the dynamic personal growth that's possible during this window of neuroplasticity.
Don't miss this irreplaceable chance for transformative growth!
What will the experience feel like?
Ketamine and "classic" psychedelics such as psilocybin (from "magic" or psychoactive mushrooms), ayahuasca, DMT, mescaline (from peyote), and LSD have some common effects, which often include:
- Feeling apart from physical reality
- Hallucinations of sound or vision
- Deeply-felt "positive" emotions such as love, joy, peace, belonging, and acceptance, as well as "negative" emotions such as fear and disconnectedness
- Ego death: a sense of not being limited to the constraints of self
- A feeling of being outside your body, or your body feeling different
- The sense of being immortal, outside of time, or in a time loop
- A feeling of connection to specific people or to humankind
- A feeling of oneness with universal consciousness or the divine
- A sense of awe, reverence, and sacredness
- A perception of paradox or having an experience that can't be explained
- A sense of increased understanding and deep wisdom
- Altered sensations (sight, sound, taste, touch, smell)
The power of intentionality
While many effects of psychedelics are associated with positive feelings, it's important to understand that some psychedelic experiences may be troubling, upsetting, and occasionally even traumatic.
Taking time and care to prepare yourself well for your journey is important! I offer KAP and PAT preparation sessions that focus on building a foundation for therapeutic success. These sessions equip you with knowledge and emotional resources, which can help increase your resilience and reduce negative effects. We will also set your intentions through ritual, writing, and reflection.
Integration sessions are equally important. These sessions, which occur after your psychedelic trip, provide an opportunity to process your journey and gain perspective and meaning. This can be especially helpful if you had any uncomfortable or distressing experiences during your journey.
I welcome clients who have used psychedelics such as psilocybin, MDMA, or LSD recreationally, who find themselves having a difficult time making sense of their experience or who need help managing post-journey emotions. I'm here to help.
A lasting positive impact is possible
The most exciting thing about PAT and KAP is the fact that the many positive effects often last long after the session ends. And with multiple sessions, the effects are often strengthened.
Many people report being able to adopt a fresh perspective on their problems or past wounding after using a psychedelic substance.
Psychedelics can give a person a sense of clarity and resolve that ultimately helps them embrace changes in both attitude and behavior.
Sometimes challenges arise during dosing: tremors, agitation, temperature dysregulation, or physical or emotional discomfort. These effects are usually temporary and subside once the substance wears off.
Often, the PAT process creates enduring positive effects on a person's outlook, their ability to relate to others, and their resilience and overall well-being.
Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy for sexual trauma and shame
As a sex therapist, I am especially interested in using PAT to bring healing to people impacted by sexual shame and past sexual trauma.
Because of their insight- and empathy-boosting properties, psychedelics may also be well-suited to helping people process past wounding and gain clarity on impasses in relationships.
I am an Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) practitioner. ART is a modality that changes how the mind stores traumatic memories. Using ART in integration sessions, during the window of neuroplasticity, presents a unique possibility for change, by altering the way you recall traumatic memories, and overcome many of your unconscious reactions to triggers that stem from past traumas.
If you find yourself holding on to past hurts like broken trust or resentments, or grappling with the attachment wounds that arise from C-PTSD, using ART in conjunction with KAP or PAT may be a helpful part of your path to healing.
Set and Setting
In KAP and PAT, psychedelic molecules are only part of the medicine! The other important elements are known as "set and setting": that is, the environment and preparation that precedes the journey, and the mindset of the journeyer.
I want my clients to have the most positive journey possible. I'm here to help provide guidance and support.
For clients planning to take ketamine, I like to meet for two 90-minute sessions prior to dosing. For integration, I plan two 90-minute integration sessions within the 72 hours after each dose.
Those who have been prescribed ketamine and wish to take their doses at my Seattle office can choose from two different areas where they can recline comfortably for the length of their KAP journey. I have several music and soundscape playlists I recommend; I am happy to provide headphones if you like. Eye shades are available, too.
I will work with you to ensure I understand your preferences for supportive interventions (including touch), so I can take care to act within the parameters of your consent.
For clients who take their KAP doses in my office, to ensure a safe trip home I will check to make sure you've arranged a driver in advance, or help you order a taxi, Uber, or Lyft after your journey winds down.
How does PAT differ with Ketamine vs. Psilocybin?
Ketamine is much shorter-acting than psilocybin. Dosing sessions are two hours, with strong psychedelic effects lasting about an hour. Prescribers often recommend 4 to 12 sessions for optimal symptom relief, with 2 to 3 sessions per week.
With psilocybin, strong psychedelic effects usually last around 4 or 5 hours, though depending on a person’s metabolism they can span anywhere from 2 to 8 hours. Since the effects of psilocybin are much more prolonged, so treatment is usually just 1 or 2 sessions, with 2 to 6 weeks between sessions.
These substances are effective for similar sets of symptoms, but the subjective experiences are subtly different. Ketamine's effects are more mentally focused, often bringing expanded awareness and a shift in perspective. Psilocybin users may experience more sensation-related effects. Both substances can elicit feelings of unity and spiritual connection.
Your Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy journey
Book a Free Consultation
We'll discuss your concerns and I will answer any questions you have about psychedelic-assisted therapy you wish to pursue.
Medical Screening
I work with Wondermed, an online company licensed here in Washington. For clients not already working with a ketamine clinic, the Wondermed psychiatric medical team will assess you for medical suitability and approve you for therapy (barring any contraindications that can't be safely addressed). They will determine the right dosage, and deliver custom-formulated under-the-tongue doses to your door.
Preparation Sessions
Over two 90-minute visits, we will review the elements of informed consent. We will review your goals for therapy and set intentions for your dosing sessions, noting any issues you hope to address. I will describe what may happen during the dosing session and what we can do if you experience discomfort. I'll note your preferences for interventions, such as verbal reassurance and touch.
Dosing Session
You'll choose which area of the Intima suite you want to use for dosing. You will take your ketamine dose according to Wondermed's instructions, then settle in with an eye mask, blanket, and pillow for a comfortable journey.
When the effects subside, I will ensure you have a safe ride home.
Integration sessions
Over 2 or more visits, you can share as much about your KAP journey experience as you wish. Together, we will discuss the insights you gained, and explore fresh perspectives and new ways of being that move you toward your goals.
To optimize your KAP results, we'll aim to have two integration sessions within the 72 hours following each dosing journey.